K-State Research and Extension Douglas County front of office in the spring

K-State Research and Extension Douglas County

Enriching Douglas County residents with research-based information, resources, and opportunities.


K-State Research and Extension is a short name for the Kansas Agricultural Experiment Station and Cooperative Extension Service. We are a partnership between Kansas State University and federal, state, and county government, with offices in every Kansas county. Not a Douglas County, KS resident? See your County's extension office, here K-State Research and Extension - Statewide Locations.



image of a scale for farmer's market on a table along with various produce from farms

Do you sell at Farmer's Markets or a Farm Stand? Get your Scales tested by a licensed technician for free! Slots go by fast so sign-up today! Be sure to sign up for more than one slot if you have more than one scale!

Save the Date Kitchen Sale 2025 April 5, 2025 Flory Hall 2120 Harper Street Lawrence, KS 66046 Donations Start March 3 2110 Harper Street Lawrence, KS 66046 No early donations please.

Save the Date to declutter your kitchen and help members of the community in the process! Our Kitchen Sale will be on April 5, 2025! More information to come!


April 12,2025 – "Rural" doesn't have to mean "rough"! Join us for our Rural Living in Douglas County Resource fair! Break free of the uncertainty and confusion when it comes to Zoning & Codes, wells, ponds, prairie establishment, forest management and more! The event is free and open to the public and is funded by the Douglas County Natural and Cultural Grant Program.


We have some proud plant parents here in the office who know the importance of keeping an eye on their green babies for pests! See this short article with research-based information on looking out for and combatting one specific pest, fungus gnats!




close up on tree branch covered in snow

We have timely and exciting articles highlighting important resources, program highlights, upcoming opportunities in your community and more!

various office supplies. colored pencils, glasses , post it pads, reading glasses, cacti

We have an open position for an Office Professional to join us in our efforts to make Douglas County a better place to live! Work alongside hard-working agents and staff as we provide our community with research-based trustworthy information, resources, and more!